Here at Elite Express, we often get asked questions about being picked up or dropped off at the airport. Below are some of the answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ’s).

Q: My international flight departs at 12:00pm – what time should I be at the airport by?

A: We suggest you arrive at the airport 2 ½ hrs before your departure for international departures, and 1 ½ hrs before departure for domestic departures. (Travelers flying on business of first class with no check-in luggage may arrive later.)

Q: I am traveling with an elderly person. What can we do to make the transportation a smooth one for this person?

A: There are a few things you can do to help when traveling with an elderly person.

1- Request a wheelchair from the airline (most airlines offer this complimentary) so that the elderly traveler can be wheeled from the airplane to the vehicle. (Depending on where you are dropped off at, the walk to get from the airplane to the baggage area can be lengthy.)

2- Let us know that you are traveling with an elderly person – we can make sure our chauffeur is ready to assist with your luggage.

Q: My flight is early, delayed or cancelled due to weather conditions. Will I be billed any extra for the chauffeur to arrange his schedule around my flight?

A: No. For all delays/early arrivals/cancellations made by the airlines, (not by the customer), we will Not charge extra. Drivers check actual flight arrivals so they will know ahead of time if there is an early or delayed flight. Same goes for cancellations – if we find out a flight has been cancelled, we will call you to reschedule your limo pickup.